Case Study

Anthropos is a connected care platform that enables remote monitoring of older people providing reassurance about their wellbeing.



As a start up building a platform over IOT aimed at the care and frail user, the client sought early advice on the potential market opportunity to aid proposition development and market launch.

What we did

Proposition development advice.

Detailed sector research into potential customers, channels and influencers across the housing market.

Detailed home care market research to find the most interesting providers in the sector (a mix of large and small, franchises, PE backed, not for profit and local).

Advising on potential customers/channels/influencers across Health, housing, social care, technology.

Lady on a ladder looking through a magnifying glass Magnifying Glass Cloud

“Ali’s deep knowledge of the sector supported our market entry strategy with sector analysis and insight, strategic partnership support and proposition development.” 

Jim Patience, CEO

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